
I'm a little dysmal if lichess has a political agenda . My personal concerns but not certain.

The great thing about being a non-profit organisation is that you are not beholden to any financial stakeholders and, as such, are under no obligation whatsoever to be impartial. This means that the operators of Lichess are free to promote whatever they want to promote. And if people don't like it - since they haven't paid a penny to use the site - then _they_ are free to simply go away, and use a different site instead.
That is completely untrue. They cannot do what they want.
Lichess is a public non-profit organisation in France with a written agenda and they live completey of donations of people who want to support exactly that written agenda.
And they are probably tax-free.
This is the link to their "become a patron" page:
And right on there's the link to their founding papers.
Only chess, nothing else.

If they'd do other things, such as supporting political parties or political cases with the funds they get from donors, I suppose that would be against the law.
Because then they are misusing donations and there surely is a law against that in France. Misappropriation is unlawful.
Sorry, what is the exact mechanism by which you think money is going into these blog posts? Do you think the authors are being paid?

You surely can't be referring to server uptime?
@Alakaluf said in #42:
> And they are probably tax-free.
They aren't. They pay around 50 000$ of french taxes (yearly).

> And right on there's the link to their founding papers.
> Only chess, nothing else.
According to these papers, the legal object of Lichess is "to promote and stimulate the teaching and practice of chess, and of its variants.". So, saying "Hey LGBT people ! Come and play chess !" is still in compliance with Lichess legal object.

> Because then they are misusing donations and there surely is a law against that in France. Misappropriation is unlawful.
Let be honest, how many judges do you think would be foolish enough to consider that Lichess doesn't use its money to promote chess ?

Also, there is always "some degree" of leniency involved when dealing with legal objects.
For instance :
Nobody will ever consider illegal that a baker advertise the fact he sells its cakes inside RECYCLED and SUPER ECO-FRIENDLY cardboard boxes, even if the legal object of the bakery is not to promote recycling, nor eco-friendly products.
@Alakaluf said in #42:
> If they'd do other things, such as supporting political parties or political cases with the funds they get from donors, I suppose that would be against the law.
How is that against the law? Anyone can host a website about any belief they want. It conforms with the First Amendment.
Plus, if a donor dislikes what Lichess does, they can simply stop donating.
Payments are not forced on Lichess.
@InkyDarkBird said in #45:
> How is that against the law? Anyone can host a website about any belief they want. It conforms with the First Amendment.

the first amendment is a law in the united states. lichess is a french organisation. just in case you are not aware, the first amendment is not a law that is necessarily followed by french law.
I like the supposed Australian, making a thread with a word salad title, who is mad if other people have the same rights as them, but doesn't mind the brutal invasion that will likely end up killing hundreds of thousands. What a pleasant individual.
"...I'm noticing since 2022, that chess has been very politicised..."

Only since 2022? Not at any point before then? Are you sure? Or is it just a single pro-human rights blog that is the problem for you?
@Sleepy_Gary said in #47:
> I like the supposed Australian, making a thread with a word salad title, who is mad if other people have the same rights as them, but doesn't mind the brutal invasion that will likely end up killing hundreds of thousands. What a pleasant individual.

I am Australian (i know after the fact i mispelt dismal in the title but its no big deal). You're being very rude to use sarcasm with 'supposed' and 'pleasant'. I never said I was pro-war - I'm not. You don't have to agree with someone's views in order to support them being allowed to have them. It's like the sports person Israel Folau in Australia, he was fired from his career for having a religious opinion and many Australians supported him whether or not their views alignned with his. The woke crowd even took down his gofundme legal fees page, and likelise the woke crowd in chess thinks its okay to do universal bans on the basis of political views, what a novelty of discrimination. And it's a very fair example of lichess adding to politicisation of chess unecessarily.

@danielc23 said in #11:
> I'm bisexual. Our existence is only made political/ideological by those who dissent our identities.
Pride is a political movement whether or not the world agrees with it or if it has a passionate arguement. It goes into both nucleur family and marriage politics. Nucleur family is how people think its wrong to hire someone to make you a baby in order for the baby to grow up without both its birth mum and dad raising the child. Amber Heard and Dave Ruben are two famous people who did that recently. And marriage politics involves 2000 years of christian tradition. Other politics to add to pride, is what ages is it not okay to do sexual propaganda to kids, what age to not permit hormone therapy and until what ages to prevent both of those. Even the left wing J.K. Rowling realised that eventually there comes a point where you disagree with the west's very loud pride politics. Even lichess mentions a trans being blocked from a womans prize in chess. Swimming already recently had a major board ban trans from woman sports. It's entirely political that debate of putting people that changed gender into a category meant for a specific born gender - and it ruins the longevity of people's career if men can compete in girls only tournaments or snatch a girls prize in an amateur tournament that a different 18 year old could have won if the rules were strict on who's eligible. You miss the point of this thread too.

@Nota_Bene said in #31:
> Lichess: Quit virtue signaling your wokeness. The latest "pride" post is disgusting and has no place on this site. It's for chess, not politics.
I share this view. It's just reality that this site is commited to far left wokeness from the top so I can easily not return here. People don't hate the person, its just a sin. We all fall short of the glory of god. But it doesn't mean we should embrace sin, especially as our primary identity.
Leviticus 18:22, the Lord speaks to the Israelites through Moses "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.".

@Chan_Fry said in #48:
> Only since 2022? Not at any point before then? Are you sure? Or is it just a single pro-human rights blog that is the problem for you?
Last and most important. The lichess blog on pride came 1 hour after I started this thread (and it was ironically the morning of 1st of July in my time). So you're not being accurate using that blog against me.
Lichess is rip until they shake up their leadership. Normal sites don't do politics from the top. For example, Rainbow Six Siege gave a very simple No.

No respect from me if someone wants to duplicate the woke culture at the top like Microsoft, Reddit, Discord and Twitch have. Not everyone lives the same lifestyle or thinks the same way, you get banned on the woke sites if you even say there's 2 genders (for example twitch with greekgodx and helenalive) and then you're bullied into falling in line politically. It's these sorts of websites that inspire the people in Lichess and now Lichess is just a woke site and I don't see any remorse. Also calling yourself a communist website is immature and sets precedent for the double standards political bias here and disrespect towards certain groups who didn't want it.

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