
Your Biggest Secret

@ZIDAN_S said in #11:
> Only I know what u said in #5 haha

Never before have I wanted to know someone’s most inward and secretive thoughts as much as rn!
@CSKA_Moscou said in #12:
> that I collect coins and sort them according to their dates

what is the oldest coin you got? i had ottoman coins,i gave them to a friends friend who collects old coins
@Oportunist said in #14:
> what is the oldest coin you got? i had ottoman coins,i gave them to a friends friend who collects old coins

I have some rubles from the 1950s, and a lot from the 70s (like 100 coins)

and another whose date is very difficult to decipher but I suspect it is kopeck from 1930-35

also around fifty French franc coins (1959 for the oldest)

a Deutschmark from 1960
and another from 1988

and a lot of Euro coins (about 80 coins)

much more recent but some really have a good value: Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Euro 2016, commemoration of the Normandy landings 2014, the first Finnish euro coin, the coin on Galileo and many others...

my goal would be to have South American coins (pesos) and Icelandic coins
@Oportunist said in #10:
> i have invented a time travelling machine,Micosoft wants to buy it,we are negotiating right now,im thinking of selling it for 20 thousand dollars so i can get that fancy music sytstem i always wanted
number 1 sell it for a 100000000000000000000000000000 dollars not 20 thousand
number 2 WTF

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