
Whos your fav forum poster

@DeadlyKillerInstinct said in #49:
> I still can't believe I forgot to ping you and many others! I just remembered a few more
> @kaissa44
> @Theastroguy
> @Futureastronomer
> @Anonymouschessking
> @Bunyip
> @Ultramuddish
> @Purepremiumpenguin
> @Drzwischenzug
> @diwaditya
> @Infinite2009
> @Komokid
> @Mantram_patel
> @e-xt-raordinary
> @morphyms1817
> @gadhavi_veerbhadra
> @pranavbobbysekhar
> @potatothing
> And I'm sure I missed many others

How did you remember all of our names?! You need to be on the list of legends too :)
Miss this era so much. I have to save the link to this thread, so I have it when I need it most!
@greenteakitten said in #60:
> Yes, you can die from COVID after being vaccinated, that’s not surprising.

Wanted to also add that correlation is not the same thing as causation. If someone got a vaccine and died from Covid, that doesn’t mean the vaccine has to cause Covid. It could be that they were just unlucky and would have caught Covid either way.

In the same way this works for masks - people in full body suits have caught Covid before - are we going to say that therefore masks don’t work?

In the same way that you wouldn’t say ice cream causes sunburn, vaccines don’t cause Covid. Talk about the side effects all you want but they most definitely do not cause Covid.

But on masks...You can’t ignore the evidence that they work. Exceptions happen all the time. They do not mean something is never true, they mean that something is very occasionally not true.
@greenteakitten said in #62:
> Wanted to also add that correlation is not the same thing as causation. If someone got a vaccine and died from Covid, that doesn’t mean the vaccine has to cause Covid. It could be that they were just unlucky and would have caught Covid either way.
> In the same way this works for masks - people in full body suits have caught Covid before - are we going to say that therefore masks don’t work?
> In the same way that you wouldn’t say ice cream causes sunburn, vaccines don’t cause Covid. Talk about the side effects all you want but they most definitely do not cause Covid.
> But on masks...You can’t ignore the evidence that they work. Exceptions happen all the time. They do not mean something is never true, they mean that something is very occasionally not true.

please don't drag us into this im not taking any sides:) just please let there be peace :D
@theodorecalexico said in #63:
> please don't drag us into this im not taking any sides:) just please let there be peace :D

Well, I don't intend to continue the discussion on vaccines or masks :) It wasn't started by me :)
I really don't know. I've been offline for months and don't know how many forum posters have left and new ones have joined. I was one tho
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