
What should be the best age to open a Twitter account?

I'm 13, so I'm eligible for opening Twitter account. But is it okay to open it at that young age? If no, what should be the appropriate age? What is your opinion?
I think if you're ok on Lichess, Twitter should be no problem for you. But then, it might be best not so social media at all. However, these days it's useful to promote anything you do creatively, so that might be good.

I have never had a single follower on Twitter. I usually create a name, follow a few people, never really go can or log in again. Somehow it just never stuck for me. I check on Magnus Carlsen's tweets now and then.
i have no social media, (except liches if that counts), and do not want to have any. i think it's a waste of time, and leads to more harm than good. but it can also be a good place to talk to friends and make new ones. i think it depends on what you want to use it for.
If u wanna talk about random crap, nope, bad idea. There are too many things which are inappropriate for u. You're just gonna connect with your friends? Cool, go on. Instagram is way better for teenagers than twitter, tbh.
For your own mental health's sake, don't join any of the mainstream social media platforms.
@IndianDoraemon said in #1:
> I'm 13, so I'm eligible for opening Twitter account. But is it okay to open it at that young age? If no, what should be the appropriate age? What is your opinion?
Well, good question,I guess the middle of teen is a good age
I recommend a good maturity of personal communications and an advisor or family member to assist the new user for the initial 6 to 12 months.

If a mature young person follws that I would recommend 16 years of age.

On a positive note, my focus on Twitter in particular significantly bolstered my career.
@KiHjJjH said in #6:
> Well, good question,I guess the start of teen is a good age
The start of teenage is the worst to join twitter, trust me. At least get a little bit into teenage, say 15 or 16 before you get into twitter
Do want you want but I think you'd be better off learning how to interact with more people in real life.
They call them social networks but really they are a hindrence to true socialization which can only be done in personal contact with another human being.
@KindNCool said in #8:
> The start of teenage is the worst to join twitter, trust me. At least get a little bit into teenage, say 15 or 16 before you get into twitter
Yep, you are right, I edited it

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