
What is your your biggest weakness that you have turned into your biggest strength

Recently, I have came to know that I am a OCD and trichotillomania patient and because of my personality type i.e, INFP T I'm suffering from overthinking problem. At first I was very much demoralised because I thought that I was mentally strong to balance my physical weakness but as the truth came I was very much depressed but then I determined that like how a coin has two sides similarly everything has both positive and negative sides and if I waste my time wondering about my weakness then I may not compete with this world so I came with a solution i.e, the fact that makes INFP unique among the 16 personality types is that INFP have an ability to daydream and because of OCD and trichotillomania I can think and withstand on one topic for several hours, moreover I have a quality of INTP i.e, relating two distinct topics with each other. So, now I am working to turn my weakness into my strength.

Share ur such experience if you have and if you want just what I can say is just like how a coin has two sides similarly everything has two sides it depends on us how do we interpret them. Thank you.
@CosmicPegasus2006 said in #1:
> Recently, I have came to know that I am a OCD and trichotillomania patient and because of my personality type i.e, INFP T I'm suffering from overthinking problem. At first I was very much demoralised because I thought that I was mentally strong to balance my physical weakness but as the truth came I was very much depressed but then I determined that like how a coin has two sides similarly everything has both positive and negative sides and if I waste my time wondering about my weakness then I may not compete with this world so I came with a solution i.e, the fact that makes INFP unique among the 16 personality types is that INFP have an ability to daydream and because of OCD and trichotillomania I can think and withstand on one topic for several hours, moreover I have a quality of INTP i.e, relating two distinct topics with each other. So, now I am working to turn my weakness into my strength.
> Share ur such experience if you have and if you want just what I can say is just like how a coin has two sides similarly everything has two sides it depends on us how do we interpret them. Thank you.

That's really inspiring. Wishing you all the best in your endeavours :)
@CosmicPegasus2006 said in #1:
> Recently, I have came to know that I am a OCD and trichotillomania patient and because of my personality type i.e, INFP T I'm suffering from overthinking problem.

Yeah, you got that right. :)
Sadly, my biggest weakness is playing against Slav defense and it not yet corrected!
Good for you for recognizing your difficulties and doing something positive about them.The dreamers among us frequently accomplish the most!!
@Dukedog said in #7:
> Good for you for recognizing your difficulties and doing something positive about them.The dreamers among us frequently accomplish the most!!

Among us?

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