
What is your opinion of the Gods?

@verylate said in #17:
> But they do, just like humans. Read Theogony.
Well, if they do not fight for power, they aren't all-powerful, because it's a hierarchy. You cannot logically have a hierarchy of unlimited beings, it's impossible. There can only be one God.

And it doesn't make sense to compare humans, who are limited and ignorant, to God, the unlimited all knowing all powerful..
@WassimBerbar said in #16:
> #14:
> In a situation you describe as true utopian socialist collective, they wouldn't fight each other, but they would need to rely on each other. They need to share among themselves things like organic honey. They need to be together to work best.
> We cannot worship something that needs to rely on others, because worship is total submission. God is all powerful, he doesn't rely on others to help him, and he doesn't need help.
One of the reasons why there can't be polytheism is indeed what you claim, that the forces of nature are intertwined, no one really "controls" every force and each needs the other. ..

Another reason is that infinity cannot be divided and therefore if there are multiple idols they must be finite. And a finite thing is a limited thing. A restricted thing is something that someone has restricted.

Another reason why there is no reason to believe in polytheism is the principle of Occam's razor: if creation can be explained by one god, there is no reason to believe in the existence of other gods

There are no shortage of reasons.
@WassimBerbar said in #20:
> Because why else would they sell to each other organic honey from a roadside stand in California, like you just said?
> God doesn't need anything from us. God doesn't want anything from us except worship.

Your reasoning is fallacious.
You assume something is true, but the assumption of a conflicting premise does not disprove anything-- it merely calls it into doubt.

You cannot prove that the universe is NOT ruled by a divine Wavy Gravy.
i hope they dont hurt me,the gods
But the one God i belive in,Anything he does to me im gratefull,even if it is a punishment
The temptation to become a god was too much for them and in doing so they threw away Gods love, so they are lost without Gods love. They might be gods but in truth , they are lost souls looking for a way home xxx
Good that Nietzsche was anti-christian, otherwise it would have been a massacre.
They are really good to play games like Age of Mithology :)

But I believe they are all products of the mind of humans, that were trying to explain the beginning and the origins of the world, when few technological resources and knowledge were available.

We kept on learning one day after another, improving a lot of things, and Greek Gods are amazing to study their culture, their history, but they are products of intelligent minds.
@WassimBerbar said in #6:
> Pure monotheism is the only truth. There can't be more than one God. If they were multiple, they would fight for power, therefore they aren't all-powerful.
Here comes a paradox if God is all powerful that would mean God could create a rock heavy enough that it couldn't lift the paradox is if he creates the rock God isn't all powerful and if God lifts it God couldn't create that rock with that exact caracteristics

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