
Very young people on lichess

So what are your dreams,your aspirations,what do you want to be?Do you have a plan to make it a reality?What have you learned and what would you like to teach?The future is yours so how will you make it better?
I like unicorns and I want to be a firefighter or maybe a doctor so I can help people.
@Dukedog said in #1:
> So what are your dreams,your aspirations,what do you want to be?Do you have a plan to make it a reality?What have you learned and what would you like to teach?The future is yours so how will you make it better?
I want to steal a plane, I want to be well known, I mean not notorious, famous for good. I want to be very good chess player, 2950+ fide rating I want:) then I need magical abilities too, for guarding someone special. Then I will punch someone, he is an online friend and enemy of mine:)
This thread just hit it's target audience with a bang.
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