
Trump terrorists aren't watching

Incontrovertible proof is on offer in a public forum put forth by official sources and the traitors won't watch and the terrorists at Fox won't air it. Reality is on full display and the trash won't look that direction. These people are the reason the World is plagued by grifters, they are the dregs of humanity and they keep us all down. Like crabs in a bucket. I am talking about Republicans, the domestic terrorism wing of our failing United States.
And they won't be watching again today... Anyone notice how the same users that were pro- Russian terror invasion are the same ones who love trump?
The only sense I understand them - is in the sense that there is a keen distaste to the current and previous administrations..

But what I don't understand is how they could see that side as remotely any better (and honestly much worse) - worthy of trust - or representing any form of solution whatsoever.
@salmon_rushdie said in #4:
> The only sense I understand them - is in the sense that there is a keen distaste to the current and previous administrations..
> But what I don't understand is how they could see that side as remotely any better (and honestly much worse) - worthy of trust - or representing any form of solution whatsoever.

You're def not the Author LOL, or to put it in terms you can relate to, BUHWHUHABOUHDADEMSWAHWAHWAH... Nice try on the "terrorists are the same as Democrats" conflation.
oh good! I thought they were watching.
@salmon_rushdie said in #4:
> The only sense I understand them - is in the sense that there is a keen distaste to the current and previous administrations..
> But what I don't understand is how they could see that side as remotely any better (and honestly much worse) - worthy of trust - or representing any form of solution whatsoever.

Well, what kind of insurrection would you pick? Ask the staff working in Capitol which one was more threatening. ;-)
@LordHighBaal said in #5:
> You're def not the Author LOL, or to put it in terms you can relate to, BUHWHUHABOUHDADEMSWAHWAHWAH... Nice try on the "terrorists are the same as Democrats" conflation.
Bruh you completely missed my point

But then again - you very much highlight a common trait between both sides - mouth frothing partisanship that just wants something to attack, "conflating" as you say - people who are more than likely on your 'side' as enemies, because they don't parrot whatever party lines are in vogue.

@bfchessguy said in #8:
> Well, what kind of insurrection would you pick? Ask the staff working in Capitol which one was more threatening. ;-)
I think you completely missed my point too

To write it more plainly:

The only thing I understand about the right wing at the moment is their dislike of administration (in a general sense)

And then I completely lose them when I see their solutions, which are usually ironic and horrible.
@salmon_rushdie said in #9:
> To write it more plainly:
> The only thing I understand about the right wing at the moment is their dislike of administration (in a general sense)
> And then I completely lose them when I see their solutions, which are usually ironic and horrible.

To write it more plainly, on one side the consequences is being pissed off because there is less freedom, more government control. It's kinda of funny by the way that they have no problem drivers' license and car plate are mandatory?! Also they have no issue with control of private companies bureaucrats??

For the other side the consequences are more deaths every single f***n day.

Do I need to tell you which consequences I would choose?!

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