
Pray 4 me :(

Last week I visited my cousins I broke me foot when I was there. I am going into surgery tomorrow in order to fix it. My foot got really messed up so plz pray that the surgery goes good.
Hope your surgery goes well!
Just interested, How did you break your foot?
@PeevesHere said in #4:
> Hope your surgery goes well!
> Just interested, How did you break your foot?
Well... My cousin was for some reason lifting really heavy weights and he dropped it on my foot
@flowergirl10fl said in #1:
> Last week I visited my cousins I broke me foot when I was there. I am going into surgery tomorrow in order to fix it. My foot got really messed up so plz pray that the surgery goes good.
There's no need to pray, everything will be fine, it's not a heart surgery, it's a foot surgery
@BlackElite345 said in #6:
> There's no need to pray, everything will be fine, it's not a heart surgery, it's a foot surgery
My foot is really broken
Ouch! I've had a broken toe and that really hurt so I can imagine the pain you're going through.Good luck and hope you heel(lol) quick.

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