
Post the last song you listened to.

And, as for Sunny Day Real Estate -- Yeah, they're on my radar, too. (Not one of my favorites, however.)
Here's an interesting question:

@ginja and @NeverBeenTimid -- Are either of you musicians, or did you grow-up playing an instrument in a band or orchestra (even if lower schools)?

It's one of those common differences I've noticed in being able to identify people from a certain era or who have any musical training. Those who have experience playing an instrument are better at identifying what era or genre music is from or should be classified into. (It's an abstract but interesting question.)

Personally, I was raised on woodwinds ... Clarinet, Saxophone, Oboe, English Horn.
@MrCharles no i tried learning guitar but i never can profess to being at all good at it

i did start out on downloading music way back when napster was free

at the time most of the music i like was psytrance music that you couldnt really buy in my country so i spent many years downloading music and working out exactly what i liked

over 2 terabytes (a few years of music worth) i think i know music lol
I can't stand Die Antwoord. You also have to be careful with videos like "Fatty Boom Boom" in the United States -- videos like those will draw out a crowd of whiny millennial brats who are easily offended. (Let me clarify: I really like Die Antwoord's videos; they remind me of Aphex Twin type of put-people-off. I can't stand Die Antwoord's lyrics and rapping otherwise. The beats are pretty good, though, when removed from the hodge-podge of Kitchen Dutch, Xhosa and not-English lyrics.)
i know the crowd you talk about and they do need to grow up

theres a couple of issues here


and culture

these millennial trumpet the idea that all "cultures" are equal even if they are murderous or misogynistic or paedophilic

die antwoord are just playing the music of their country

and like it or not they do what they do very well..
Yeah, I've seen that Stephen Fry segment. It's funny.

I'm not sure what the population of South African chess players is like here in LiChess, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone takes offense to me using the offensive term for Afrikaans.
oh yes i wouldnt use slang/offensive words here. i do not think die antwoord would come under that in their country

there is time and places where offence can be taken

when you have the bull**** that happened in evergreen last year tho i have no sympathy for any of them at all

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