
Light mode or Dark mode?

@WassimBerbar said in #9:
> Same as Discord, except I haven't Discord.
I feel like correcting your grammar, only it is embarrassing and I don't want to get embarrassed..
@Pro_PrarthanaR_2009 said in #11:
> I feel like correcting your grammar, only it is embarrassing and I don't want to get embarrassed..
I corrected it. And yes, it's embarrassing that I made the grammar mistake. Sorry :)=)
I always have light mode, with brightness low. But for discord, I prefer dark mode.
@Lin-1370 said in #1:
> just curious
> for me, dark mode, cus light mode hurt your eyes
Light mode I am ok with it but I put my light very low
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I use the dark mode here on Lichess. But on Wikipedia, Youtube and Google I use the light mode. Now you know.
@SamannOyB said in #14:
> I always have light mode, with brightness low. But for discord, I prefer dark mode.
Agree! I also have that

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