
Lichess opening explorer caught on fire

Wait I know why it happened:

You see, someone put a hot object on top of the South Pole Neutrino observatory, causing the whole place to catch on fire. The fire hydrant soon caught on fire and the fire couldnt be put out so everyone escaped. There happened to be one person on lichess in the observatory when the fire started and he dropped his phone while being on opening explorer into the fire in the rush to hurry out.
From here on out, the story gets even crazier:
The people at the Neutrino Observatory had discovered this thing called "dimensional blend" which is a one-in-a-quintillion occurrence. They saw the behavior of small particles and came to the conclusion of the theoretical possibility of dimensional blend. But turned out that dimensional blend occurred at the wrong time. The fire spread from the observatory to the lichess opening explorer via dimensional blend, setting the entire opening explorer on fire. Then, the fire got out to the databases where lichess servers are held via someone else on lichess opening explorer who saw the fire. Again, dimensional blend occurred in Strasbourg and suddenly, the entire database bulding was on fire. Lichess was able to recover mostly normal operations because they were less affected, but turns out, the fire in the opening explorer couldn't be stopped yet because lichess couldn't find a way to insert an image of a fire hydrant to stop the fire in the opening explorer. However, they were able to contain the fire by putting a box around the opening explorer. The thing is: there was a fire hydrant in the opening explorer, but it caught on fire as well. But I've heard that lichess is trying to get a fire hydrant to stop the opening explorer fire still.
@A_0123456 Why are you spamming links to this thread around the forum? And why are you talking with yourself? The first post here was somewhat amusing, but this has gotten more than a little obnoxious, especially with the rickrolling attempt.

1) I'm not overly talking about myself.
2) I'm sending links because it's just a funny made-up story. I have done that multiple times before and nobody has had a problem with me, I don't see how this is any different when I'm literally sending links to this on only 2 or 3 forums.
3) I don't always rickroll, but on occasion I do just for fun.
RE 5:
1) Talking WITH yourself-- usually conversations require multiple people.
2) I'm no stranger to the amusing anecdote myself, and it's certainly not something I take issue with. But posting unsolicited links to this thread on at least 4 different forums is clearly an example of spam. Perhaps you should create your own ramblings page in one of your teams. Then, people will know where to find them, and you don't have to bother others with links and advertisements.
3) Rickrolling is unsolicited, unwanted spam, and serves no purpose other than to annoy others for the benefit of the poster. That's the whole point of rickrolling.

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