
Do You Use Chat GPT ?

occasionally, but the lack of proper sources quoted even when asked repeatedly made it kinda useless for allot of the stuff Id want to do with it (a more powerful and faster google - i dont know enough about coding to benefit from the stuff its good at right now).

its probably me shying away from getting deeper into the matter (templates etc) because they announced the paywall while their servers were constantly down.
There is no aspect in my life where I did not use it, ex Healthcare chess programming studies school project real life projects
I don't use it.
And to those interested in the reason behind not using it:
1. I feel like it doesn't benefit me really - I have no website to build, no project I would wish to research "fast".
2. I don't want to become even more lazy - as well as dependant on another subscription (strangely, everything today is...)
3. I don't feel very optimistic about A.I. - other might be, but I still have a bad feeling about it.
Of course, there are numerous reasons for and against - but this is post is about me, so get off my back.
I would never use it, but if I did then I might ask it to make a funny chess fairy tale.

Once upon a time, there was a young lad named Hans who lived with his mother in a small village. One day, Hans heard about the amazing magic beans his older brother Jack had traded a cow for. Hans was envious of Jack's new riches and begged his mother for some money to buy the same beans.

Hans' mother, being a bit hard of hearing, misunderstood her son and thought he asked for "magic beads" instead of "magic beans." Not knowing the difference, Hans excitedly took the money and went to the market to find the mysterious magic beads.

At the market, Hans found a sketchy old man who claimed to have the magic beads he was looking for. Excitedly, Hans handed over the money and ran home to plant the beads in the garden just like Jack did with his beans.

To his surprise, the next morning, instead of finding a beanstalk, Hans discovered a small pile of shiny multi-colored beads. Not sure what to do with them, he decided to try sticking one of the beads where his older brother Jack had once removed a wart.

To his amazement, the bead immediately dissolved and a wave of energy surged through Hans' body. Suddenly, he had exceptional skills at every game he played, from sports to board games. The beads turned out to be medical beads that when inserted like suppositories granted him superhuman abilities, making him unbeatable.

Hans was thrilled with his newfound talents and decided to go on a hero's journey of his own. He traveled far and wide, using his magic beads to defeat every opponent he faced. From dragons to evil witches, Hans emerged victorious every time.

One day, Hans heard about a terrible giant terrorizing a nearby kingdom. Without hesitation, he journeyed to the kingdom and challenged the giant to a game of chess. The giant laughed arrogantly, accepting the challenge, but was shocked when Hans beat him in just a few moves.

The giant furiously demanded a rematch, but Hans used his magic beads to win once again. Realizing he was defeated, the giant begged for mercy, and Hans showed him kindness by offering him a game of checkers instead.

The giant, grateful for Hans' mercy, left the kingdom with tears in his eyes, and Hans returned home as a hero, celebrated and beloved by all. And from then on, everyone knew that Hans' magic beads were far more powerful than Jack's silly beans.
@george_mcgeorge said in #5:
> I don't use it.
> And to those interested in the reason behind not using it:
> 1. I feel like it doesn't benefit me really - I have no website to build, no project I would wish to research "fast".
> 2. I don't want to become even more lazy - as well as dependant on another subscription (strangely, everything today is...)
> 3. I don't feel very optimistic about A.I. - other might be, but I still have a bad feeling about it.
> Of course, there are numerous reasons for and against - but this is post is about me, so get off my back.

@george_mcgeorge said in #5:
> 2. I don't want to become even more lazy

There's a certain other person on here that's extremely adamant about using AI to do the thinking for them. I can't imagine them living a normal life without some robot acting as their thoughts.
@heckerboy said in #3:
> There is no aspect in my life where I did not use it, ex Healthcare chess programming studies school project real life projects
Holy sh-t. Are you actually this lazy? Are you SERIOUSLY proving my other point about you in that anime thread of yours that you actually let an AI do your thinking for you?
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