
Do you think you're smart?

I'm smarter than the average bear but I'm still just a bear.
No really have you ever met someone super intelligent?
I have but they didn't seem particularly happy.
You know what I mean,very intelligent but lacking social intelligence.
Is intelligence a blessing or would you rather be a happy dumbass?
@Dukedog said in #1:
> I'm smarter than the average bear but I'm still just a bear.
> No really have you ever met someone super intelligent?
> I have but they didn't seem particularly happy.
> You know what I mean,very intelligent but lacking social intelligence.
> Is intelligence a blessing or would you rather be a happy dumbass?
well how are you measuring intelligents if you mean maff engish scienceys hifftery or socially practically common sense cos i SUCK at math and english history spelling reading bro i learned how to read at 11 lol so in that sense im not intellgent but cos i don't go to school i think i have WAY more common sense and im way more practical i know what REAL freedom is and i am not force fed crap like school kids sure there are good school kids and even smart ones but i think you'll find them lacking in common sense and I know i went to school for a while if i had styed i would be a difernt person maybe better at math and english but dummer in a lot of other ways like common sense.
there is also the fact that i am dyslexic which does not help with english or math or reading but in real life being social intelligent is a thousand times more useful:)

I'm book-smart, witty, and eloquent (which makes other people think I'm smart), but I'm prone to doing really stupid things.
in purposeless world here is notching right or wrong, society defines intelligence as ability to create worthfull resourses for society, for creating new purposes. to manage in own system and rules, and abstractions. it is more like a tool to be part of society and get rewarded for it. so for me intelligence doesn't matter, since existential purpose was never revolved around it.
Intelligence defined for society ruleset is never true intelligence and it just defined intelligence, logical thinking, rules of abstaction, observation. Is defined by society, your intelligence isn't pure in society eyes it is made up.
Lol, welcome to the club . I'm one of those guys that knows a little about a lot but not a helluva lot about anything.
@Autofill said in #6:
> Everybody does.

Do they? I don't :)

I think that the more you know about something the less you know. Aka if I think I'm really competent in something I'm probably not.

Or maybe that's just an excuse I'm making for being willingly ignorant. Who knows? ;)
@greenteakitten said in #7:
> Do they? I don't :)
> I think that the more you know about something the less you know. Aka if I think I'm really competent in something I'm probably not.
> Or maybe that's just an excuse I'm making for being willingly ignorant. Who knows? ;)
Or trying to be humble
@Autofill said in #8:
> Or trying to be humble

Nah, here's how it works - I can call myself dumb but if anyone else does it it's off with their head ;)
What's that thing Socrates said? Something along the lines of, "The more I know, the more I know I don't know."

Kinda true, the deeper I go into any subject, the more I realize how little of that subject I know. So, if I know nothing about something, I will be the last to admit it. If I know all there is to know about something, I will be the last to admit it. Hmmm.

OP asks,
> would you rather be a happy dumbass?
I think that humans tend to seek the truth, and intelligence would seem to be a key part of that. There is probably a limit to the happiness of a fool. But an intelligent person would have a greater satisfaction of knowing the truth.

*disclaimer: These are, of course, my own thoughts. Believe them at your own risk.

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