
A more politically correct way of identifying your pieces.

Hi All,
Chessspy here, chess historian and restorer of old chess sets.
As for the black v white question. In the past the pieces were mostly red v white, so there was no question of racial profiling.
Yes, many years ago a lot of societies and nations we based on a feudal system and so that patriachal terminology has passed down to us through the years so I guess we are kind of stuck with it.
As for the he/she/it idea, I am an expat Brit living in NC US and I hear that the locals use y'all as a plural for 'you' so that would work for pawns.
How about exclamation marks for pieces? -- X (cross) for king ---! (pling) for Queen --- / (slash) for Bishop (AKA Saul Hudson G+R)
? (Query) for knight --- - (Hyphen) for rook --- and lastly . (period) for pawn.
cross period to cross four anyone?
King is Papa
Queen is Mama
Pawns are the Kids
Rook is the Unkle or Grandpa
Bishop is the Auntie or Grandma
Knight is the Horsey ( of course! )
That sounds fine as long as you are under 5 yo and play a decent game
Following on from / (Slash) AKA Saul Hudson G+R) for the Bishop
We could nominate old rock/pop stars as pieces
King- Elvis (obviously as he is of course)
And so on
Mentioning Elvis reminds me that in the late 50s or early 60s a Brit pop promoter wanted Elvis to play live in Britain and offered Elvis's manager $250K for the deal. Manager replied. " That's fine for me but how much are you going to give my boy"
Elvis K
Madonna Q
Alice Cooper B ( brought up as a pastors son)
George Harrison R (ex beatles, lives in a castle)
Paul Mcartney Kn (owns a ranch in Arizona and lots of horses)
Pawns well there are so many also-rans in the rock and pop world that we could have a person for each pawn.
King- normal 🐸
Queen- female 🐸
Rook- bull 🐸
Bishop- glass 🐸
Knight- jumping 🐸
Pawn- tadpole or young 🐸
King- lion
Queen- lioness
Rook- elephant
Bishop- camel
Knight- horse
Pawn- cat
I think the idea is to give some amusing or logical reason for your choices

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