
Block forum trolls.

Hi, at if I Block a player is stops them from posting on my threads at the forums. This would be an easy feature to add!

Thank you,

Quick warning, avoid telling developers that a feature is easy to add unless you truely know :)
I do not like the idea of a topic belonging to a person.
It is created by a single user, but is possessed by the community, and everyone should be allowed to participate in a discussion. The "power" to decide who is trolling and who is not should remain with the mods.
I hope filter bubble mechanisms like this will not be included here.
I agree with milliways here.

If someone is being so abusive/harassive that exclusion from forum posts is necessary, we can take care of that. If you feel this is necessary for a person, you can use the 'Report' button on their profile.
Also, it helps to have clear definitions of terms. If you join a player's team and block that player, does that mean you can create a thread in that team's forum which they cannot respond to? Who really owns a thread - the team owner, the first poster, or anyone posting in the thread?

What if you two are arguing back and forth in the same thread and then you block the person - are their posts deleted? What if they block you first - are your posts deleted? What if a moderator deletes the first post of the thread - does that change who the owner is?

What about language preferences - if I only speak German and you only speak Spanish, should you be allowed to respond to a topic I created? How does topic moderation work when moderators don't speak the same language as the participants? What about LTR versus RTL languages - do those render properly, or do we not even have RTL support?

Just saying... there are details to consider. :-)
Hi fellows, it is working fine at, I know because I post on their forum. It keeps the riffraff away from my threads :)


@ChessGator Are you sure that the blocked person cannot reply (or perhaps you just don't see their replies)?
@Toadofsky once a player at is blocked they can no longer:

1. play a game of chess against you;
2. message you; and
3. post on a thread you start.

This is good to prevent harassment and to stop spammers and trolls.


OK, the first two points make sense from the perspective of preventing harassment and spam, and Lichess does those.

The third point actually encourages trolling as your opponent may block you and then speak in the forum without providing you an opportunity to respond, unless you've created an alternate or a throwaway account. As #4 says, if a person is trolling the forum there is already a moderation mechanism in place.
I dislike the idea too. I think anyone should be allowed to post in public threads.

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