
Why do players play so fast?

My perception is that some players think the clock is just a convenience. It is not part of the game. I've seen here players chosing 60 minutes (yes, they set this time control, not me) and then blitzing all the moves. The following situation is quite common too: a player blitz pretty much all the moves, get in trouble and then start to think hard only when they are in trouble. Why didn't they think before? That would be better, so they could avoid being in trouble in the first place. It is impressive how much someone can improve only by taking some time to think. The opposite sometimes is also true: if you are not very good, thinking too much can confuse you; this happens to me sometimes, I get lost in my own thoughts and pretty much mess up everything. But usually, taking more time to think is much better.
I see it all the time, also in over the board play. Especially the youngsters play way too fast and start thinking when it is too late. Not that it is shameful: also Viswanathan Anand used to play lightning fast when he was young.

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