
What are the best first moves for classical chess?

I think kpe2 (king pawn e2) to kpe4 (king pawn e4) is the best because you can easily get your white squared bishop out if your white and black squared bishop out if you're black, of course your queen and you can make an easy pawn chain. Moving your knights is also good in my opinion but that is what is on my mind right now.
There are a number of good openings to choose from. Nothing is really "best."
The opening explorer in the tools menu is pretty cool, it allows you to query the most played opening moves. Be sure to select the masters database, the lichess database includes bullet games hence unsound openings.
@ak_saha said in #5:
> Not F4 it exposes the King

In my Chess "Peak Phase"- I used f4 and the results weren't bad at all :)
@PranavRamesh8 said in #7:
> In my Chess "Peak Phase"- I used f4 and the results weren't bad at all :)
They would have been better without f4 unsupported.The Vienna is good but not the gambit
f4 is not a bad move

It give us chance to easily castle with giving rook a open file
And open up the King I have bad experiences with f4

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