
Website for chess variant puzzles

Yup, there's an alternate solution to that one.
Oops. Comments can be seen while doing puzzles. Posted part of a line on comments before noticing. Maybe it'll be good to hide comments while puzzle is yet to be solved.
This is amazing, maybe @thibault will notice and think about this feature to lichess in the future if there are enough puzzles. Great website!
@ProgramFOX One of the problems made by Caustic has an alternate solution.
The answer for it is Qh4 ... g3, Qb4 ... axb4, bb4... solved. But you could also after Qh4 ... g3 play Qe4 and from then depending on the way the puzzle is set up there would be two options depending on where the other side moved. I was wondering if it could be fixed or not. If not it doesn't matter to me. Thanks
@ilnelson137 Your line doesn't quite work there.
1...Qh4 2. g3 Qe4 3. Bb5 c6 4. f3 and now 4...Qc2 5. O-O.
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I made a few endgame studies way back when I actually had time and played, this one includes KRN v K:

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