
openings suggestion

If you like aggressive, as white play the King's Gambit! It sacrifices a pawn for speedier development and better control over the center. If you are able to win the pawn back, your better piece activity will lead to a winning position. Even if you don't win the pawn back, you will have an overwhelming attack!

As black against d4, I would probably recommend playing Indians. If you hate closed positions, this might help you. With Indians, you usually fianchetto a bishop and attack from the flank.

I don't have any recommendations as black against e4. I play the simple e5, and play against any lines white wants to get into.

Good luck @BoringEndGames to building the perfect reprotoire! I used to play some bland openings, but when I switched up my reprotoire to be more aggressive, it totally changed my game for the better.
Stonewall Attack

IMO, the best opening for white if done correctly.
I tried the Stonewall attack once and lost. Strange, because I play the Stonewall with black very well.
Yeah, you have to know all the different counters to it. Its a very good closed openings if done well.
Sicilian is a cheap trick (B. Larsen) - in the long run black is better. The c-file plus minority attack with a+b pawns counts more than any other half open line.
Lanka's rule is similar: white wins before move 30 - or black does.

Yesterday I wrote here: "open" games are recommended for the rather inexperienced players because they often can be understood "move-by-move". Attack and defense, open lines, direct tactics. Closed games tend to be obscure and harder to comprehend for weaker players. Most trainers recommend to get started with 1. e4.

So, 1.e4 e5 (playing in the center) 2.Nf3 Nc6 (direct attack/defending) 3.Bb5 (development and further attacking, getting castled) and so on.
My suggestion is to play an all gambit repertoire for both black and white. That way, you will have fun playing open attacking positions where you can avoid dreary positional chess and endgames. Think of the great Romantic period players like Morphy and Anderssen!

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