
Magnus again resigns against Hans Niemann after 2 moves in Champions Chess Tour / #BanMagnus

When a master stops playing, they do it for a valid reason.

I think all honorable chess players, deserves honorable opponents.

I believe a sacrifice has been done, to show the chess world, that there is a disagreement with the pairings.
This pairing disagreement, if it is, is probably going to need to be resolved informally.
You cant force anyone to play anyone.
For instance, say a chess site bans every single Russian player.
I might not be able to use their platform to do so, but i can play any Russian player i want, no one can impede my personal actions if they dont break any law.

FIDE cant do a single thing because its internal rules only state that a player that doesnt play loses.
If they implement a rule explicitly for not playing a specific player, they will in effect force Magnus to either play the game or not join a tournament, but currently, he is accepting his loss as per the rules and if he doesnt want to play him, you cant force him.

Nothing wrong. I might not necessarily do the same as he, but i understand that he doesnt want to play by principle.

And FIDE, by principle as well, shouldnt allow known cheaters to play on their tournaments.
Magnus isn't just a Master ... currently he's still the leading chess authority in the World, so f*k FIDE ...
I feel like Magnus is doing a lot of harm to his own image and his legacy. His team has to be aware of this; I am shocked that they are not forcing him to play Hans or deliver some sort of apology or explanation. The chess world can not just allow this to continue, it is ruining tournaments and it is unfair to other players.

The world is, generally speaking, not behind him because he hasn't shown any evidence for his claims. And if this is not about cheating at all, the responsibility is on them to clarify, since it was their vague video tweet that led to such speculation.

It is really hard to evaluate this in any way other than he is behaving as a sore loser here. They need to stop the damage this is doing to his own legacy, let alone to Niemann, who seems completely innocent, aside from his surreptitious activities in online chess.
@kyanite111 said in #45
> I feel like Magnus is doing a lot of harm to his own image and his legacy ...

Sounds to me like you don't know enough about the history of chess ...

Maybe he's preserving his legacy ?

If chess is finally broken it's certainly not his fault ...
I said right at the start when we first learned magnus quit the sinquefield cup I had empathy for both players. I'm starting to lose my empathy for magnus.

I think magnus is losing his relevancy. even though he's not defending his world champ title, he was still a big draw card, but for me at least, now he's just another player in a tournament.

nothing is black or white, and people aren't black or white. magnus isn't good or bad, he has and does both good and bad. I'll just put this down as one of the bad and try not to let it bias me in the good. but it's getting harder.
people under 20 are definitely the "empathy" generation. It's their favorite word of all the words.
Here is my 2cents. And I don't even follow GM tournament and what not.

Magnus Carlsen, aka Mozart of Chess, had it easy in his life - to put it bluntly. You can talk about merit and hard work all you want, but just like super recognizers (people gifted with facial recognition... about 1 in a million) or others like Alex Honnold whose fMRI scan showed physiologically his amygdala doesn't produce arousal or fear response (probably botching the science here... Google it) ... just like the outlier 1 percentile superachievers... Magnus Carlsen was gifted from birth. He is a prodigy.

HOWEVER... he applied his gift obsessively to become the GOAT. In the 60 minute interview he was even thinking of a chess game FFS during the interview. Point being, these superachievers - the Usain Bolts of the world- DO have an edge and advantage in life which they have learned to use with hard work, dedication, effort, diligence to transcence the ceiling.

Here is where I come to the crux of my argument. Now that he has ruffled the feathers and brought some undue attention to himself, he will have an AWAKENING (both metaphorical and spirtual like those New Age mumbo jumbo 3rd eye hogwash). Like Will Hunting who was calling all the shots all the time and had it 'relatively easy' will NOW KNOW for a fact what happens when ordinary, mundane, trivial, hum drum, ho hum events cloud people's lives. Sure he probably never had to take the 9 to 5 commute bus, stand in lines, pay bills, stand in USPS in Christmas, fill out DMV forms, have to deal with divorce parents, grow up in dysfunctional family, live in gang and drug infested projects, carry grocery and 35 pack crate of water and what not.

However, now that he has met some resistance, he will undoubtedly GROW from this, emerge even as MORE superdominant and realize what it finally means to be a self-actualized human who has undergone both the best and worst of times.

This video sums up my thought. Thanks for listening. Unsubbing from after my 2 cents.
Hans had just blundered a pawn in the previous game to Nxd5 winning a pawn with a Quen trade a common thing that happens in "Rapid & Blitz" ... This crazy stuff puts Chess in the Limelight with many people who don't even know Chess Notation making comments worldwide with this "cheating chess scandal' still alive crazy it will help Chess be more popular with the general public but it's of course all wrong and yes complicated to discuss with people ... obviously cheating is wrong big-time but magnus lost that game a few weeks ago' happens' move on . So true the chessworld was quiet before carlsen said he would not defend his crown

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