
list of cheaters

well again, there are several factors to consider besides quality of play on the board. for example, most engine users on this site play longer games. consulting an engine in 1 0 or 2 0 is
impractical, tho some have tried. Tal would have played 1 0 :).

Also, their knowledge of opening theory would have been such that allowed for very quick play early on. Most engine users on this site are unfamiliar with opening theory, and therefore you will find
their move times consistently slow, even at the beginning. The same is true at the end of a game, or in forced positions. A good player will not spend 7 seconds considering a forced or obvious move,
nor will he spend a long time thinking about a clear mate in 2 or 3. Engine users on this site often spend relatively the same amount of time on such moves as others. Once or twice it could be chalked
up to circumstance. A pattern of such behavior over time, however, is incriminating.

besides these indicators there are others; I won't go into them all. is the system perfect? no; we are willing to reconsider our decisions and we approach suspected cheaters with the benefit of the

that said, it would be really hard to mistake the play of Tal or Kasparov for an engine. This is Tal's last game, a blitz game, incidentally vs Kasparov. You can see for yourself.
if reshevsky play in this site and refuses to disclose his identity how will you decide on his rating

read something about samuel reshevsky before you comment
I know who Reshevsky was. see the above descriptions of our general methods, use some common sense, and you should be familiar enough with the answer by now. This applies to Reshevsky, you, players
x, y, and z, etc.
The chance that titled players would play on this site is very small. As you go up the tree (Master/FM->IM->GM) the chance gets smaller and smaller.

For one they like to play players their own skill for challenge.
This website is still fairly quiet and young.

Serious players and titled players would usually play on
playchess, icc, and other play sites where they can get a challenge on their level.

For now I know theres been several expert players here.
And maybe an FM.
your site is already amazing here's my take on the issue of cheating... I'm not condoning it just my piece of the pie

What will invite GMs to play in this site...

1. Your site is already cool (specially the Chess960)

2. It has the functionality of inviting very good players with all the statistics and all that.

3. Once in a while GMs would like to see how a "natural player" moves, reacts to a chess novelty -- considering you guys generalized that they only wanted to play their own level

4. They do not necessarily need to divulge their identity

What will discourage GMs to play in this site...

1. When they are suspected of cheating they found their ratings cut down because of it

2. They are forced to disclose their identity so that they can have their ratings back... why would they do that in the first place they are professional players and any news about their game losing
would be headline
regarding cheating...

you can only suspect someone...

again here's my piece of the pie...

let them cheat anyway they can play with computers anyway so it will be like playing against a supercomputer..

if they lose they will learn if they win much better
if you win against a supercomputer you have progress as a chessplayer and the one cheating will learn something specially if that player is a 9 year old feeling the way computer reacts.

I had my 8 yr old nephew play he did not cheat. I coached him telling him the reasons why he would do such a move. He won, he learned, he understood..

again I'm not condoning cheating what I am championing is you have built a site capable of hoaning a child became great GMs. No one is awarded anything for being at the top of the ranking just the
sense of fulfillment in this site. If he cheats then he just fooled himself and nobody else. Because come tournament day he is still just a patzer.
chess sites like these has the advantage of making a person lose but still has his pride intact because he is an anon virtually even with all his pseudonyms. He is known to no one. He gets no prize
but his self fulfillment.

He gains courage, confidence to try it out in the real world. So I am really appreciative of you guys for building such a site... I know some masters in our country and I am about to share this site
to them.
in the real world to paraphrase the great Bobby Fischer

when you are out there ... its only you and the other guy and you want to prove something

"I like the moment when I can feel the ego of my opponent crumbling" - Bobby Fischer

in the internet this is totally unheard of. nothing compares to real chess

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