
Is Chess a sport?

I feel that chess is a sport because the IOC considers it to be a sport.
Although some people (including me) have always thought of it as a sport, the definition of a sport includes the requisite for physical exertion. The argument that mental exertion is in some way physical is not really tenable in relation to the definition. Therefore it is not a sport unless the definition of sport changes, or the chess pieces are made much, much heavier!
i think it's a game, but it doesn't matter. all words are made up and their meaning changes over time.

Nice: used to mean silly
Silly: used to mean worthy
Awful: used to mean worthy of awe
Naughty: used to mean you had nothing or naught

sport used to mean an athletic activity with rules, but if people use it in a different context often enough for long enough, the dictionaries will add the new meaning.
No. Chess is a battlefield simulation for slightly underexposed wankers
I think it is a sport because it involves competition.

Also, those who protest that it doesn't involve physical exertion have probably never played a gruelling four-hour game in an important tournament or match. It certainly involves stamina.
According to the International Olympic Commitee(IOC), it is a sport. More than 100 countries recognize Chess as a sport very well.
This is what IOC said: Chess is a sport because the game requires immense skill, mental acuity, strategic thinking, and even lasting physical endurance required to remain focused for the duration of matches that can last for hours.
@Brian-E said in #5:
> I think it is a sport because it involves competition.
> Also, those who protest that it doesn't involve physical exertion have probably never played a gruelling four-hour game in an important tournament or match. It certainly involves stamina.

absolutely agree. OTB chess can be exhausting, specially if the game lasts 3.5 hours or more, not to mention most tournaments have TWO games a day.
I am not extremely used to such long games and hence do lack a bit of stamina, as I am still a relatively fast and aggressive player, but in a recent tournament, in the 7th round ( 2nd round of the day ) I got paired against one of my friends who I knew was a EXTREMELY slow player. although I also played a bit slow that game, I still had a massive time advantage AND a great position ( +1.0 ) by move 15-20 ( 30 minutes to 30 seconds! ) but we had already entered the 4th hour of play, and then, 1 pawn fell, then another, then down an exchange. slowly but surely, over the course of the next half-hour, I got myself into a completely losing endgame, and was forced to resign. I do believe it was due to my tiredness during the game, along with me trying to flag my opponent ( not a great strategy in 90+30 )

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