
i got to 2700 on puzzles!

@Bishop1964 said in #28:
> How long does a good player normally need to visualize the whole solution of a puzzles like these ones ?
> (This puzzle is actually pretty straightforward)
> (Chapeau to everyone who sees move 4)

How do you define a 'good player'?
For me, in first one only some seconds get the idea of sacrificing Queen and then promotion and pattern is pretty clear to advance to win Queen.

In second case, after thinking for about a minute I get the idea of Ng4 followed by Qb6+ wins the game hence 4th move should be Qh6 to do that therefore White replies with h3 to prevent Ng4.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #31:
> How do you define a 'good player'?

My definition of a good player (in regard of puzzle solving !) is someone who can figure out the whole winning idea of a puzzle before he/she makes the first move.
Calculating, visualizing and evaluating all main lines and side lines without moving any pieces on the board should be the main goal when you solve puzzles.
A lot of difficult puzzles can be solved by playing from "move to move". But isn`t that a bit too easy ?

Edit : By the way, I am not a "good player" according to my own definition. Too lazy, too slow, too impatient. I solve most puzzles by using the "move to move" method. But I try to improve.
@Bishop1964 said in #32:
> My definition of a good player (in regard of puzzle solving !) is someone who can figure out the whole winning idea of a puzzle before he/she makes the first move.
In that case, there would be very less 'good players' according to your definition!
Even I don't fully get the idea before always and sometimes I get idea while playing moves along and it doesn't take time.

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