
I beat a 1900+ bullet player with halloween gambit!

@Dino960 Hey, hey, Dinosuarus, impressing game! You have made great progress, congratulations :-)
Especially these tactics, in order to catch the queen. You wouldnt have seen that when we once trained. Very nice.
this again shows that the best start for beginners is e4 and then the classical, tactical oriented openings. Most fun, the positional stuff comes later.
@Linnemann He helped me, but I tried to figure a lot of that stuff out on my own, and I do thank Bobby for being there to point out my mistakes when I couldn't spot them. ;)
The Halloween is also my favorite opening of all time, I came close to beating someone I've had a lot of trouble beating in regular chess @Merle_Dixon
Did the trash talk after the game include the phrase, "trick or treat bitch."

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