
How to beat 2200+ when you are < 1700

Your logic also applies in reverse. If you create a super complex middlegame, sure the GM might play sub-par moves, but good luck playing good moves in a complex middlegame WHILE playing fast. A GM isn't able to do it, why would you be able to?
@anomamadady said in #1:
> During my play, i noticed that all those super GMs try so hard to trade everything so that the game is simple and easy to win for them, so here are the steps to beat super GMs:
> 1. Try totally random opening.
> 2. Avoid trading.
> 3. create a middle game as complex as possible.
> 4. play fast.

Actually it's twice as easy as that--two steps instead of four:
1. Become a super GM.
2. Play other super GMs until you beat one of them.
Here are the most important rare cases when a 2200 loses to 1700 in rapid time control:
- he falls asleep
- he goes to toilet for sudden number 2
- he lost internet connetion
- he loses or draws on purpose
Apart from that a 1700 lichess rapid or classic player has no chance to win.
@pointlesswindows said in #15:
> Here are the most important rare cases when a 2200 loses to 1700 in rapid time control:
> - he falls asleep
> - he goes to toilet for sudden number 2
> - he lost internet connetion
> - he loses or draws on purpose
> Apart from that a 1700 lichess rapid or classic player has no chance to win.
Wrong using stockfish
@anomamadady said in #1:
> During my play, i noticed that all those super GMs try so hard to trade everything so that the game is simple and easy to win for them, so here are the steps to beat super GMs:
> 1. Try totally random opening.
> 2. Avoid trading.
> 3. create a middle game as complex as possible.
> 4. play fast.
> you will be surprised how super GMs play like 1400- players when the game is very complex..
> Good luck!

that is wrong way we should not play fast if we play fast we may do many blunders that leads to a loss or a draw so we should think and play to avoid frequent blunders in the game if you want to think more and it consumes more time you can keep time like 30+0 ,30+5 or more

dont try new opening without preparing, one mistake in varation in the opening will lead to a loss
@abhinavk7076 said in #19:
> dont try new opening without preparing, one mistake in varation in the opening will lead to a loss
If it's a REALLY bad mistake sure but you can often make up for positional or piece losses by gaining in the other. Lose a pawn or piece? Gain position. Lose position? Maintain your pieces.

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