
How many checkmates can you find in this impossible (but hilarious) position?

There are more than 14 if you consider promoting a pawn to a rook instead of a queen a different mate.
Well, there are 20 mates IN ONE.

As to how many checkmates there are, no length specified (as in the original question) well, some incredibly large number :)
I found 19 confirmed but thought I had found 20 the first time I did it. Spent about a minute on it for 3 passes. You can pick up additional mates changing promotion from Queen to Rook.

Very Enjoyable!

Thanks for doing that - well done!!!
Unless we count promotion to rook rather than to queen as a separate move, I only see 15 mates in one. I wonder what I am missing.
I got 20.

5 from promoting 7th rank pawns to queens,
5 from promoting 7th rank pawns to rooks,
2 from pushing 6th rank pawns,
2 from the bishop, and
3 from each queen.

Qgb5# was a harder one :)

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