
How did you pick your lichess username?

I am super creative, so I used some letters from my name #NoShame. On ICC I used my name and my age, lasse10.
I do not believe in Joking.

And neither should you.
I have a good story.
Nckqefhm, just rolls off the tongue
If necessary, just add more vowels.

Another guy once said that nck-qef-hm sounded like niger, but he was just being stupid.
#45 Also, back in my days, I needed an accounts name
Most usernames were already taken, so I just smashed my keyboard..... And there!
Many years ago I loved to play DOOM, the best FPS (first-person-shooter) game ever. Sick, I had to quit school for an entire month and this game was the only thing in which I could concentrate. I could not read or code anything but I could kill those demoniac creatures all day long, and that was the only thing which distracted me from the feeling of throwing up, as it made me feel really EVIL. Anyone who has played it until the last level knows exactly what I mean.

Then in other multi-player FPS games such as Quake, Half-Life and Duke Nukem 3D, I adopted the name of EvilMan, which I then translated to EvilChess username in ICC, reflecting well my chess playing style. Frequently I make moves apparently harmless maneuvers which have an underneath evil goal. Such as a pawn move which seems defensive or just to gain space, but is part of a combined attack.
My name is from my grandfather, who first taught me chess (his last name was Sandstad, as is my middle name).

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