
Glory to Ukraine! Delete russian members for 2 days and support Ukrainian army!

@Roman_Sawur said in #40:
> Everyone should do what he can. Ban all russian subscribers. They support putin (99,9%).. They support war (99,9%). There are some innocent russians? May be .Regrettably. But it is war.

Arguments are easy when you just produce statistics from thin air eh? Here's a statistic for you - You are 100% wrong.
The Russians are not wrong. It all is a matter of perspective. Anyway this is not a forum for politics and so I will refrain from explaining why.
@PoeticCyrano said in #42:
> The Russians are not wrong. It all is a matter of perspective. Anyway this is not a forum for politics and so I will refrain from explaining why.
Yes, please, refrain from another russian propaganda bullshit.

Dear "poor russian people" advocates, may I kindly ask you to shortly answer a simple question about whom Crimea belongs to in every of your long and wise posts? There should be no problem as this question is completely clear from international law point of view, right? And we will see whether you really respect humanity and law or just make some random statements.
First of all, no one in Russia thinks about it. Secondly, if we ban Russian players, Lichess will lose 8% of players. In this case, everyone will switch to Who will this affect? First of all, this will affect Lichess. The chess world will only suffer from such sanctions. Therefore, I see no point in discussing such sanctions.
@Alex_1987 said in #30:
> #28 Alright, your words are wise... Maybe you know whom Crimea belongs to? Can't find an answer...
this comment is not appropriate. I previously said that bringing hate towards the people isn't legitimate while hating its government for the crimes it has commited can, in certain cases (aka an invasion of your homeland) be justified. True, Russia illegally annexed Crimea in 2014 (according to the UN), and the Russian forces have entered Ukraine with unjustified reasons and its actions have been condmned by multiple organisations such as NATO, EU and the UN. But the thing is, this conflict is not a war of attrition and it was reported that multiple anti-war protests were carried out in Russia (made illegal by the Russian governement, according to the bbc). So (from a personal point of view) I would be really suprised if the russian people are supporting the ongoing the conflict and want the dissolution of the Ukrainian Republic.
#45 thank you, I will take your opinion to consideration, I see that you are not another "russian liberal".
The thing is russians absolutely welcomed aggression of their country vs Ukraine and annexation of Crimea. And many of them also welcomed current escalation (yes, I saw many public interviews with russians fully supporting at that time "possible military actions vs Ukraine"). I am sure if Ukraine did not fight now (as it happened in Crimea in 2014) no one in Russia would ever think that smth is wrong. They are imperialists deeply in their mentality, so "russian liberal" or "innocent russian" is just nonsense.
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@may_rus said in #44:
> First of all, no one in Russia thinks about it. Secondly, if we ban Russian players, Lichess will lose 8% of players. In this case, everyone will switch to Who will this affect? First of all, this will affect Lichess. The chess world will only suffer from such sanctions. Therefore, I see no point in discussing such sanctions.
We are speak with and I hope chess. com be first in solidarity with Ukraine
@Alex_1987 said in #43:
> Yes, please, refrain from another russian propaganda bullshit.
> Dear "poor russian people" advocates, may I kindly ask you to shortly answer a simple question about whom Crimea belongs to in every of your long and wise posts? There should be no problem as this question is completely clear from international law point of view, right? And we will see whether you really respect humanity and law or just make some random statements.
I was in Crimea, everyone there is happy to be joining Russia. During the time Crimea was part of Ukraine, it wasn't renovated in any way. Soviet houses still stand there, and it was only after Russia came in that they were renovated. Now there are more tourists there. No one has any desire to return to Ukraine.
@Krabovski said in #48:
> We are speak with and I hope chess. com be first in solidarity with Ukraine
We have chessplanet. This is a Russian chess server.

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