

@janosopeligroso - talking was not the real point. I've said this a few times - it is opponents that leave the table immediately after a game without even a GG or anything - just to play another game. Rude as all get out, and many do it.
@Jacob531 glad you understand sarcasm. It wasn't a good attempt at it, but you'll surely do better if I offer you a rematch 😇

Glad it doesn't bother you though. If people can invest effort to play a game, they can invest effort to say GG or offer a rematch or whatever. It's just common etiquette that people have either forgotten or never learned to begin with.
A lot of people also have their chats turned off(I do) because they don't want to talk to people.

I'm usually playing on breaks at work, and really don't have time to discuss the game afterwards. Sorry.
Guys, I keep iterating over and over...this mainly has to do with people leaving immediately after a game is over, like half a second...just to go play another game with someone else. They don't say anything, or offer a rematch - they leave the table within a second or less of the game being over.

Despite our history of insults towards one another (all in good fun) I do agree with you about this instant departure the moment the game ends to seek a new game. In an ideal world, the only time this should happen is a Lichess tournament where obviously there is a seeding algorithm based on tournament position that decides who your next opponent will be.

In random lobby games or quick pairings however, the intensity of the games is slightly lower than that of tournament games but the etiquette is non-existent which is strange.

For an opponent to play one game against you, beat you, then insta-leave kind of makes it feel as though you're just a random bot with no human qualities or spirit. I have realized to bypass this experience, one must play games against friends...
@Unthinkabl3 yeah I just needed to blow off some steam. It is not something I can change, and I've just not spoken about it for years - just needed to vent about it. Hopefully soon more people will come around to the old ways.

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