
Chess Sets . . .

Why do some people feel the need to collect so many boards and sets ? You can only play on one at any given time. Could you really, or would you be mentally able to whittle your collection down to just one board and a suitable Chess Set and play exclusively with that board and set ?
Why would you play only chess there is plenty of others games out there ? @Kilbroney because this is chess, this answer your question too.
I have been accumulating chess sets since 1970. Some sets are for playing... some are for their beauty...(just for looking at.) Collecting chess sets seems like a natural thing for a chess player to do. I wouldn't part with these sets. Some of them are full of great chess memories. I also have an extensive library of old chess books with (descriptive notation), which I have collected. Pre-internet chess was all about real live chess sets...that you could touch and feel and move. All chess study was done with books and magazines. They are all very valuable to me. :]
Yes, I totally get your point Skittle-Head (..I digress and ask why that username..? ) , but many people would not have that option, or even inclination to amass and collect. I have over the years, thrown out scores of books, boards and pieces because it was just too much stuff to have lying around. This has taught / shown me what style of board and pieces, I really like and more importantly feel comfortable playing with. The bigger the board, is not better, and now I only play on a 45 and 50mm field size ebony and light wood board. The pieces are only box wood and ebonized box wood - they give more contrast than "brown" and the light brown "white" pieces, and again its personal choice. I just prefer my black pieces to be black, and the board to have black squares rather than brown squares . . .
Skittles...A casual pickup game usually played for fun with out a chess clock. Skittles room... An anti-room at a chess tournament where one goes to socialize and play for fun. Also for post analysis of their games. I have spent many an hour playing pickup games in the skittles room. It is a haven for kibitzers. All that time in there....turned me into a "Skittle-Head" :]
It's a hobby. I don't need them, but I love chess (despite being a patzer myself). It's no different than collecting old books, old coins, or cars and motorcycles if you're into that. Simple as that mate ^^
I have got some, too. The most beautiful is the one of „House of Staunton“.

By the way, I once read an interview with Vishy Anand and the reporter suggested in advance to play a free game. Anand replied that he has to bring a real board to his home because he got none there.

Those are the (2D) days...

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