
Can playing bullet damage your rapid skill?

Can playing bullet damage your rapid/classical skill? (If you play too much bullet)
Yes, I think it can for some players if they don't have the self-discipline to switch their mindset when they play games at a serious time control.

For others, I guess bullet can just be a form of light relief when their normal play is at classical time controls, and that would be no problem.

I wouldn't like to see a beginner at chess plunge straight into bullet play.
If you tilt at classical, play bullet. If you tilt at bullet, play classical. If you tilt at both, play variants.
Yes, Playing bullet too much can make you lazy to think and play fast in the rapid game
Bullet chess helps you with time-pressure situations. If you are playing classical, rapid, or blitz, you don't want to be in "Bullet Mode" unless you have little time left.

Then you need to realize that some stuff will fly a lot better in bullet mode than in slower time controls.

If I am playing bullet, I can hang a piece and just keep on rolling like "So what? I still got more pieces!" Then it is looking pretty sound shortly after because they have no time either to stop and calculate the correct response.

That doesn't work so well in rapid chess. Because if you hang a piece n rapid they can stop for a minute... They can take the whole board in and reflect on this new development and form a plan to victory.

In bullet they just "Gotta move" and "Move now move now move now!"

So, playing bullet can get you to play a little bit more aggressive than you maybe should, a bit like a barbarian.

You don't want a slow manuevring game in bullet. You want things to go fast!

Bullet = Go with your first instinct 100%

Rapid = Go with your first instinct usually, but also maybe slow down a little every so often to calculate.

Rapid & Bullet are two very different beasts and blitz is the hybrid bastard love child of the two.
You cannot damage your rapid skill if you have no skill
@nickdav10 said in #1:
> Can playing bullet damage your rapid/classical skill? (If you play too much bullet)
Possibly, in rapid games some people play fast cz they are used to bullet (including me :>) and could probably make some inaccurate moves and stuff
Btw my rapid rating is 1600, my blitz is 1870 and my bullet rating is 1930 lol