
Bug in Horde?

Ahh i thought 50 moves for the whole game :D
Btw it's not really hard to draw Q vs K. Just stalemate black.
But it's get hard if black has still some other pieces on the board and white is in time trouble. I think a draw would be the right thing if white times out and has a queen which can't be captured. But I think it's hard to say when a queen is really a queen white can work with. For example i had a game where white promoted but i was able to trap is queen on the promotionsquare. And in this kinda positons it's not fair to give white the draw just because he timed out with a queen which can't be captured immediately.
I hope it got clear what i try to say :)
Yeah you are right.
So the instant breeding feature.
Once white has a queen at the begin of the turn he may place a pawn on the first rank instead of the move. =)

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