
Boycott of Rapid and Blitz Wch in Riyadh

I am in favor of the boycott and have been actively ignoring coverage of the event. I will continue to do so.
"Armchair chess players calling for a boycott of events ??"
Who did call for a boycott? I told you about 2 players and asked for your opinions, nothing else.
How can you know which kind of feedback I'm interested in? Indeed I'm interested in any kind of serious feedback.
Thank you! Finally we have a first opinion and someone who is not afraid of talking about this terrible off topic subject!
Limitations on use by Israel
Under Israeli law, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen are designated "enemy states" and an Israeli citizen may not visit them without a special permit issued by the Israeli Interior Ministry.


Just why is a boycott called for? Makes no sense. Israeli citizens face travel restrictions by their OWN country as well as SA. Israel applied for visas, knowing full well they would be denied. (As they deny visas to SA). If SA agreed to issue visas, the chess players were never going to be allowed to travel to SA by their OWN country of Israel.
Politics, gamesmanship, nothing more. Been like this for many years. It's being made out as something new, journalists not telling the whole story just to create copy of a dead end topic. (as it relates to chess)

Human rights issues exist in every country.
Ask yourself. If the event were held in Israel and SA was denied visas (as by law in Israel), would you be calling for a boycott?

Hi everyone, I read this
"In a few days I will lose my two world titles, one by one, just because I have decided not to go to Saudi Arabia, not to play with the rules of others, not to wear abaya, because I do not have to be accompanied when I am in the street and, in short, for not feeling like a secondary creature, "announced Ukrainian Anna Muzychuk."
So, if you do this, you have to accept the consecuences. IIf you do not respect cultural diversity, then it's fair if you do not play, you lose. It must be remembered that the Islamic culture is very old, and it must be respected, as they respect ours in our countries.
If only that is the boycot, I say NO to it, and I see all the tournament.
Who isn't respecting cultural diversity dude?

FIDE is obligating women to go there under threatens, Saudi Arabia is obligating women to follow their culture under threatens, and Ms. Muzychuk just say "No thanks, I prefer to avoid all of that", and she is the disrespectful one?
As a Muslim myself, I know women are NOT secondary creatures, they are equal ( but most Muslims can't comprehend that ) .
Also, wearing hijab or things like that is not an obligation ( is that the true word ? idk). Example: My country, Turkey. %80~ Muslim. Very few hijab-wearing women.
IIRC, chess was considered haram (very bad sin.) in SA even tho' it's not.
6 months or something ago, a so-called Islam-Teacher ( idk how to translate the word hodja. ) in Turkey also said that chess is haram. Search "Cubbeli Ahmet Hoca - Chess is haram" if you can understand.
I was nearly losing my mind after that.
SA is wrong but that is not an excuse to boycott them. That's their culture.

Muzychuk was probably lazy and didn't want to prepare and stuff lol.

A problem with Anna's argument is woman did not have to wear the abaya nor be "accompanied" in their goings about.
There is no doubt SA is very restrictive, has a poor record of human rights issues. They rank near the bottom along with many other countries that hold chess events. Some issues are cultural, some are political, usually a combination of both.

The problem with a "boycott" is multi-layered, with all the facts never presented. Certain chess journalists headline their stories with "sensational topics" all to sell copy. The topic is controversial to start. They inflame peoples emotions who seldom take the time to educate themselves on past history.

Israel and SA have been at this for years. Neither country allows it's citizens to travel to the other. The applying for and the "denying of visas" was simply for publicity. Both countries knew it was not going to happen. Just about every country in the world has a dispute with someone else. They all restrict and deny visas or make laws banning their own citizens travel to certain countries.

SA hires people from all over the world to work in their country. Do people "boycott" and not accept jobs because Israeli citizens do not work there? Do people shout in protest at people for earning a living and supporting their families for working there?

What makes a "Chess Event" suddenly cause celeb to protest the human rights issues in SA that have been existent for a long time? SA claims the Chess Event is an attempt to show the world they are changing their ways. Maybe it will prove so. Similar reasons of protest, political or cultural, can be found against practically any country. It's not like human rights were suddenly violated, the world wide community becomes shocked because of a recent act.

Dare say if every country was boycotted for similar reasons we would have very few chess events on the international scene.
The use of hijab was forced last year on Iran.
You must go and you must use something and if you refuse you are being disrespectful... really, don't reverse the sense of disrespect, if women with no hijab is disrespectful to you in your place, just don't force them to go there, don't even invite them and be respectful.

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