
FIDE Picks Breast Implants as a Sponsor for Women's Chess

They need to balance this out by getting a penis enlargement copmany to sponsor men's chess
I'd preferred if lichess refrained from activism and politics.

Please let just be about chess.
just find wiener enlargement sponsor for men chess and then noone would complain about breast implant sponsor
Is low self-esteem the main reason for cosmetic implants? How can anyone make such a claim? I know four women who’ve had implants; one was post-mastectomy. None of them suffer low self esteem, or were negatively influenced by media. This is political type posturing that only serves loud whiners.
@jamesmoriarty007 said in #191:
> wonderful initiative by fide! people speaking against this call themselves liberal, and cant tolerate women and men choosing to improve their looks!(eye roll) so much that even getting sponsorship form a plastic surgery company is some sort of a personal offence to them. unbelievable!!

the fact that we live in a society in which women have to mutilate their body to please the male gaze, yeah, that is outrageous. So as reading your comment about what is liberal and what is not. ;)
@YesWeCaroKann so u are going to decide what women should do or not do with their bodies? last time i checked, noone was holding a gun over womens head to go and have a breast implant. ur comment shows how 'liberal' ur thinking is
What is wrong with this? Breast implants are great I love them :) They are not the maffia
Much ado about nothing. People will find anything to complain about to make themselves feel important.

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