
Why Lichess will always be free.

it's so touching that someone makes websites for users, not to make money.
LICHESS-one love
Usually when something is free you get a stripped down version of it but not only is this free, it is by far the best site out there... Especially with the updates to the puzzles... you can tell with that alone that you're dedicated to the teaching and learning of your users... Allowing people like John Barthalemew and Peter Gianattos to stream and teach is awesome, the coverage of live events.. everything... just incredible. Thank you for all you do and the way you do it....
i will stand with lichess if they make me a titled player and teach me the tricks to become a titled player
This might be an unpopular opinion here, but I don't begrudge sites the non-intrusive use of ads. If it doesn't drastically slow down the website or make the site unreadable, I accept that most sites have to use it to support themselves. I don't have the money to support a website with my own money, because I'm a broke teenager. :P But when I use, for instance, I can accept a few non-intrusive ads around the site to make it so that the site can continue to exist without significantly slowing down its performance- I'm there to read for goodness' sake, it's not like I'm doing anything requiring high-tech performance anyway.

To summarize my ramblings: I'm grateful sites like lichess exist that don't use ads, especially when the service offered requires some high-speed stuff, like Bullet does. But I on't begrudge other sites use of ads, because I can't give money, but I don't really mind watching an ad or having a few ads on the side of the screen that don't significantly worsen my experience and help the creator fund their project.

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