
Regium: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence

drew's photo from kickstarter looks computer generated.

This is the oldest play in the book for conmen. They play up some amazing products and then say they just need a small piece to bring it all together. Who was investing in the R&D for both the hardware and the software to this point (clearly the majority of the control code has been written if it functions as shown in the video)? Why aren't these investors willing to pitch in another $50,000 to bring the product to a state of commercial viability when the R&D costs have had to have been so much greater? If they're innocent of fraud on at least the account of their product being real, I can see exactly what happened. A bunch of people with industry experience in developing technology under the instruction of clients who never had to handle the financial implications or advertising got together, made something cool, and realized that they were out of money and had to do a bit of screen magic. On top of that, for $50,000, none of them are taking home a paycheck until this gets off the ground and a sufficient number of products have been sold. They have also removed the 'About Us' section from their website, and that is because it can be confirmed that at least two of the people who were pictured on that page were not actually the person named. I also seriously doubt the claims of the companies they have worked for. Maybe they were asked to take it down by IBM who is often on top of this sort of thing. On top of the parent company's website looking sketchy and their services are for e-commerce consulting and app development, it also mentions nothing of the product and their own e-commerce section for consulting packages looks rather haphazardly thrown together with Bootstrap. It also might be worth noting that Ángel Delgado's Linkedin page lists the Chess Improvement Forum here on Lichess as a group he belongs to, even if he may not belong to MENSA (though realistically, he probably does as it's listed on his Linkedin profile under 'Organizations', and I think they have to approve your listing).

It would be nice for this to turn out to be a real product, but it doesn't match the company's profile, the description on the Kickstarter page looks like it was written by someone who has no idea what they are writing, the technological explanations don't make sense from an expert perspective (not that I understand the AI portion entirely but they haven't actually explained that), the people behind the project may not be real other than Mr. Delgado, and while it may not be as elegant as what is presented by Regium, this technology exists in the way of Square Off which is very much real, and they are at least still working on things both in hardware and software while not making any outlandish claims about their capabilities, endorsements, or supported sites.
I had a weird dream last night, seeing Angel Delgado play chess with Alexandra Martin and they use what seems to be a smaller-size version of the Regium e-Chessboard 🤷‍♂️
Good morning folks.

I dreamt that i was a pawn about to promote to a queen on Mr Delgado's board, and as i stepped, actually hovered- into the 8th rank and turned around, I saw angel approaching me with a pair of shiny medical scissors, a weird look in his eyes!

Woke me up before the alarm to discover I'm levitating a foot and a half above the bed.
@rfw Nice maintenance page from lichess :) - notice the sentence over Michelle "Is it ready yet?"
@h2b2 @GBR99 maybe he is some kind of a kickstarter puppet, but based on what i saw i can only assume that he is a polite old man, retired, who wants to invest some money to see siomething he has not seen yet, thats all, its hard to trust anybody in the internet but if you don't need to dont. I usually see if i can trust somebody based on his body language, fake smile, maybe i lost some indeed good friends thanks to that but i don't care :)
I think this is the moment where Square Off should start their own campaign, isn't it?
The hype for automated chess boards is there, they just need to ride it.

"Like Regium, except that our product is actually real"
I am mightily impressed how much can be achieved by people of good will banding together to halt a wrongness.The level of expertise here is stunning.

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