
Regium: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence

Anyone else getting random messages about this thread? :


Him: I finally found you.12:38

Me: Who is this?12:39

Him:A random human being on the planet called Earth.12:40

Me: Should I block you then?12:41

Him: No. I saw your post on the discussion involving Regium.12:42

Him: I noticed that you were online and so I decided to contact you and say hi.12:42

Him: Like a fellow human being would.12:42

Me: That thread has 1000 post on it. You're kinda creeping me out. Wait, are you a Regium representative?12:44

Him: Beep boop.12:45

Him: Heh, I'm not.12:46

Him: Not with the username I have.12:46

Me: Okay nice chat. I'm blocking you now.
@tlsh2020 I was only joking xD

I think it has become a bit of a meme to say that any new account who posts anything positive about Regium in this thread is owned by them lol
I can't go back through 88+ pages of comments on here to see if this was covered, but it's worth noting that the alleged company behind the kickstarter, "Hightech Dynamics, Inc." supposedly located in Tampa, Florida, does not exist in the State of Florida. Information about corporations doing business in Florida can be found on There was a similar-sounding "HIGH TECH DYNAMICS, INC." dissolved in 1991, but nothing since.
This is developing into one of the weirdest stories I have witnessed.

I would be willing to put 50$ just to talk to this this Angel Delgado guy and ask him why on earth he would go through the
ridiculous effort of setting up a designed web-site, running ads, shooting and editing several professional videos, sponsoring premium websites, buying expensive high-end boards and pieces, only to scam a miserable (and totally traceable) 50K? doesn't make a bit of sense.

in my mind, because I'm a humanist, delgado is some naive, recluse nicola tesla, that has invented a wonderful thing, but upon the first hint of criticism gets insulted, over-reacts, kicks the bucket and dissappears off the face of the earth. Maybe now he's already underwater, in his private submarine, like Captain Nemo.. all alone in his underwater kingdom...

Well, at least he's company in the form of an automatic chess board. :)

I feel like he expected more money to come out of this (obviously he can get more than 50k from the kickstarter if his backers are willing to give him more), but I think he miscalculated how quickly the chess communities caught on to what he was doing. And even on the day of the kickstarter it seemed like he was going to succeed, as he reached his goal of 50k in about 7 hours.

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