
Best Chess Players (relative to their peers)

I haven't unterstood anything from the last 20 or so posts so I'll simply reply the last list. If I'm wrong just fix the list with my new vote.

Up Kasparov, down Karpov

Bobby Fischer - 27
Emanuel Lasker - 23
Wilhelm Steinitz - 16
José Capablanca - 41
Anatoly Karpov - 1
Garry Kasparov - 22
Viswanathan Anand - 19
François-André Philidor - 19
Morphy got bankrupted a LONG time ago. We seem to have some people less than willing to follow the rules though...

Up Karpov, down Philidor.

Bobby Fischer - 27
Emanuel Lasker - 23
Wilhelm Steinitz - 16
José Capablanca - 41
Anatoly Karpov - 2
Garry Kasparov - 22
Viswanathan Anand - 19
François-André Philidor - 17
I will kill! (that's a good one, and I'm keeping it, too)

Down Karpov, up Fischer.

Bobby Fischer - 28
Emanuel Lasker - 23
Wilhelm Steinitz - 16
José Capablanca - 41
Anatoly Karpov - RIP
Garry Kasparov - 22
Viswanathan Anand - 19
François-André Philidor - 17
I find it interesting that on the analysis program, both Kasparov and Lasker come out ahead of Capablanca, yet in this contest, Capablanca has about double their points...
Can we put this voting on objective basis?

I make an offer here.

I have an idea, that one can create a verified voting system for lichess, in which players can vote with their lichess user names.

This is how it goes:

You log in with your username ( no password necessary ). Once you make a login, you will receive a code. You paste this code into your profile page ( best in your introduction, but you can use any editable field in your profile ). The app then checks the presence of the code. If it is present. you are logged in ( you get a cookie that is good for a week ). You can at any time repeat this process, so there is no need to remember a password. Once you are logged in, you can delete the code from your profile, so there is no side effect.

This way your voting user name is linked to your lichess user name in a verified and unique way ( since only you are the one in the position to insert an arbitrary code in your profile ).

I have implemented a minimal application that lets you try this kind of login ( using Red Hat's OpenShift free account with Node.js server ):

Please let me know if you are interested. If so I'm willing to create the voting app, so that we can vote for players in a completely transparent and controlled way.

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