
A well-known cheater!

The user who goes by "Morphy" is another guy the mods should look into. He plays dodgy openings and then when things get complicated he turns on Stockfish and outplays his opponents.
#12 is absolutely right. "...Not yet of legal age to begin the practice of law, Morphy found himself with free time..." is the "code" for: "he tried but they banned him"

"...Some authors claim Morphy "arranged women's shoes into a semi-circle around his bed"..."
looks like many female chess smurf accounts to me...
..Morphy or should I call him with his more famous name:
Frau Ad. Keller of Elberfeld !!!
Well, you never know, he might uh complain in all the forums.
what do you mean well known? Ive never heard of this guy

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