
white to move, mate in 2 (hard to solve)

and then you take with the other knight and its checkmate
Bb6 fails to Qa6 pinning the Knight.


I found the actual solution g5xh6 e.p. but this is only if black's last move was h7-h5.
The puzzle is deeper than h7-h5 was black's last move, and it's faulty.

1) White has 17 pieces on the board. This means that it was not a regular chess match. Such a position could only appear on a crazyhouse game, or some other similar variant.

2) Black's last move didn't need to be h7-h5. There are a number of other moves it could have been. h6-h5 is one such example where enpasant would be illegal.

3) white has 6 minor pieces. Numerous under promotions seems less likely than simply dropping some minors when it is crazy house. This leaves us in the position of metaphorically hearing hoof beats. Occams razor suggests it's not a zebra, and it's a horse.

It must be a crazyhouse game. The problem though is knowing exactly what pieces white has to drop in inventory. If a rook, queen, or knight are in their then mate in 2 is possible, otherwise it's not.
the only possible move is h7 h5, the engine does not find any mate in 2, the best one is to promote the pawn to a knight and checkmate on c7, the only way to mate in 2 is to capture en passant, then black is in zugzwang, thus forced mate next move

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