
Beating Stockfish Level 2?

I'd love a few lessons. Thank you. I was just fooling around with the how Luarose showed me how passive level two is when you just move thw queen back and forth. I 'm not done but somehow I'm ahead withour trying. What's the best way to learn? Thanks a billion. Dusty
actually! The queens gambit accepted line is fine, however, you can't hang onto the material is all.
Thanks again....Here is my fooling around game. Now I feel very foolish for not being better at level two. I've been playing withthe Queens Gambit. I think this is only good for White?

QGA is fine. Though it loses a tempo if you don't know theory and you can get in trouble. I don't think it is the most serious try for black but certainly a playable one at any level.
I didnt read all the posts but I just want to say, DustyRoad for a beginner I would advice one thing; don't hang your pieces, that's all and learn a few standard moves in the opening and you will be at least 1300 elo on lichess (maybe around 1100 on
Keep all your pieces protected and wait for you opponent to make mistakes while developing naturally is enough to beat beginners and rookies.
Okay Chess People...I've been winning on level 2 the past few days. I was losing this game from the start? Everything I did was wrong.
Thanks for helping me so far. Dusty
I was having trouble with the pawn moving forward right away.

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