
Are 1500 players really this good?

21. Na6 is indeed a good move and a logical move. It can be thought of as advanced move since many would not play it straightaway.
After Na6, Black threatens Nb4 attacking the Queen and if White responds to Na6 as a3, then Black can play Rc8 controlling c-file and attacking White Queen.
Now, if White plays Qd2, then Bxf4 is winning as Black wins a knight and attacks Queen simultaneously.
And if Qb1 then also Bxf4 for opening e-file and preparing for either Rd2 in order to play sacrifice Rxf2 and if Kxf2 then Qxh2+ Bg2 Qxg2# else if White doesn't capture rook, then simply Qxh2#.
Replying to Rc8, if White had played Bc3 then again Bxf4 with similar idea and this time Nc5 as well.
And if White had played Bc4 then again Bxf4 and now if White plays exf4/gxf4 or move Queen, then simply Rxc4 wins following Qh3 and then Qg2#

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