
Analysing my games against Kingscrusher.

Hey there,

now that this problem is getting out of hand aaaand everybody
and his brother feels encouraged to voice his own opinion,
I'd like to say something too.

I really like the stream of KC. To be honest I guess he
does kind of overreact, but I would too if I thought
that I've been cheated.

After hearing about this issue on the stream I looked at a
few games of Zaitzev and even I with my 1600 rating I can
see that Zaitzev plays some really dubious moves in the
opening. I don't have a clue if he's cheating or not.
But openings like that (e.g. moving the king in
the opening, not castling on purpose) are bound to raise
suspicion (Pleayse correct me if I'm wrong. I'd like to
see an opening that requires the King to be moved although
not threatened).

However, I really feel like Zaitzev and KC should settle their
personal problems on their own and this seems to have
evolved beyond the matter of cheating.

OK, I said that we ALL should be respectful to each other, of course this also means that we should be respectful to KC (which I try to be at the moment). But #68, Kingscrusher said some quite insulting things at the beginning of this discussion. And I think there is no having an opinion if somebody is cheating or not. If it's evident that someone didn't cheat (like in this case) you can't accuse him. You also can't accuse somebody of stealing if it's evident that this isn't the case. That would be called character assasination (as Internet dictionaries tell me :D ).
#68 If someone beats KC on a regular basis, he has 'suspicions' about them and implies they must be cheating. Public forums and streams are not the place to raise this - report him if you have doubts, but don't troll him.
KC went a bit hard too, agreed. But no one owes anyone any apologies. Just please don't turn this site into an arena for crap flinging, we already have the rest of the internet for that. Be nice, people =)
#46 He does indeed ban very quickly, I once wanted to show in the twitch chat what a troll was saying about KC and got permanently banned for that. I keep watching his streams nevertheless, because he is one of the best commentators out there, and he has his moments of playing brilliant moves, but also his moments of missing things even I saw (even though that's easy to say, being merely a spectator)
Another thing that's strikes me is that he gets nervous/irritated after losing a game and a streak and then starts losing more games in a row, or when he plays a certain player and feels like he is difficult to beat and hence playing badly himself instead of just focussing on his own game.

But I would also like to see Dr Zaitsev do commentary in Spanish, because it's realy not much fun to watch him struggle in English. I think there are plenty of Spanish speaking players out there to have a succesful stream in Spanish. And there are also a lot of players who understand Spanish, even though it's not their first language (including myself). Therefore I can relate to Zaitsev's slow commentary in English, struggling to find the right phrasing of certain ideas. If I'd have to stream in Spanish, I would also look like someone knowing nothing about chess.
Is this an Ego War? Yes, it is. Are you enjoying this discussion, throwing attacks and receiving bad words from persons you don't know? It looks like you do; like you are really enjoying this nonsense, and that your Ego activates every time you (both, everyone writing in here, even me) start answering to another guy in here.

What are you winning in this discussion? Do you feel smart? I agree completely with "cocafanta" and "ep14n05t".

It's funny, you know, when you talk abour respect or some crap like that, and you did the opposite in your actual comment. It's so weird when someone read that: it's like "OMFG, did you read that? Is he asking for respect?". It's really an amazing stuff, but human brain works like that, and ego does the rest.

You are all smart people, I can see that when I read you. You are intelligent people, good at reasoning, at making points, on calling arguments, on reading answers. But what do you want when you defend yourself and attack the other? Is that smart? I feel you own insecurity, your fears, your low self-steem, your need to be accepted, incorporated, applauded.

I feel how the deepest insecurities of human beings are shown in this thread (double exclam !!). And it's fun! Man! You are making a good show here. But I would like you were part of the show, and not the object of the show.

Anyway, thanks for trolling and for this nonsense. Because of course, the show must go on, right? EGO MUST GO ON!

Well, Gowez, the initial problem was that Dr-Zaitzev was called a cheater without big evidence and unjustifiedly. What happened then grew a bit too big, you're right. In essence, I think, we should leave that kind of crap aside and enjoy playing chess at this wonderful site. Therefore it also doesn't help that you try to "psychologize" this debate.
"Therefore it also doesn't help that you try to "psychologize" this debate." -- I agree 100% with that, I'm not helping.

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