
What i think about the removing of the followers feature

ChessSoftware DevelopmentLichessOff topic
The removing of the followers feature on the 19th of September 2021

Last month, on the 19th September 2021, Lichess removed the followers feature and i would like to show me views of this. Today i am not going to make a long blog on this topic as i want to make it short and sweet, so its easier to read by our fellow Lichessians.

Firstly, this can be quite helpful as this removes some burden and stress from the moderators of Lichess as people like to post "follow 4 follow" and "follow me" in forums or private chats, which causes mods to take action instead of being able to do other more productive things.

However, the followers feature, is one of the reasons which drives people to play chess and gain fame in this very web or app. It can reveal how much one has impacted the community whether it is high rating, titles or informative and thousands of forum posts.

Yet, it became clear to the moderators that the followers feature was becoming a problem due to COVID-19, people have gone online and people have been playing chess more than ever. It became a problem when people started abusing the system and asking for followers and so on and so forth, which caused the mods a lot of trouble and time to try and solve this. Eventually, they decided to remove the followers completely. Now you can only view who you have followed and not who has followed you.

In conclusion, i am on neither side of this fray over the removal of the followers. The removal has its advantages and disadvantages, but all in all keep up the work Lichess mods in making this chess site a better place! :)

Thank for your time and goodbye Lichessians!