
How to get better at ultrabullet

ChessStrategyChess variantLichessOpening
Below are some tips to get better at ultrabullet

1. Try to check the opponent as quickly as possible so as to duck some time off the opponent and give you the upper hand to take more time to think in mid-game or end-game. I usually play e3 then bb5 for white which either checks the opponent if he exposes his king or confuses the opponent of such a dumb move. If your playing black then play e6 bb4. However, please note that continuous use of this opening can result in the opponent playing of c6 to block the attack. Additionally, the use of d3 bg5 bg5xe7 or bg5xqd8 can confuse and potentially give you the upper hand because the opponent lost his/her queen.

2. Play a lot of games to increase the speed of your reflexes so you can react to blunders or mistakes made by the opponent or yourself.

3. Pre-moving is essential in ultrabullet as well so you do not lose time. However, do note that pre-moving is only if your pieces are not hanging in mid-game/opening and none of your pieces are under attack. It might be risky to do so but its worth the try :)

4. Additionally you can try using mobile phone to play chess. This may not be adviseable to those who use comp but i use phone and its extremely quick (bigger screen works better)

Additionally, you can view this study made by (@)TheLaminator and (@)BerserkAsIfUWereMad:
The study provides some dirty openings and takes advantage of the opponent premoving to capture the queen in the opening sequence.

All in all, just practice practice practice and learn learn learn!