
Sept 17: A Day of Rest

ChessAnalysisOff topic
Feeling bad today; tried to play some chess, didn't work out, but we'll get there. :)

Hi guys,
I did well in the OTB blitz event yesterday, coming equal 1st on 6/7. I can't recall enough of the games to be worth analysing, and, in the words of Rashid Nyezhmetdinov, "He who studies blitz games is an idiot!"

I played some games today, but the focus just wasn't there, and I haven't regained my proper perspective on the game; despite getting some good positions I went 1/4 and lost some rating points. Not the end of the world.

Theme of the day is: It's all about the loose pieces. I hung a lot of stuff today because I didn't take note of undefended or loose pieces, and botched some games which should have had better results.

I haven't annotated the games too heavily, but hopefully I've added enough comments for the games to still be interesting. :)

Here are the games:

We'll see how I feel tomorrow, but I'll be focussing more on taking better care of myself in general over the next few days.

Thanks for reading, good luck on your own chess endeavours today! :) (And look out for loose pieces!)