
Logo Making

Off topicLichessSoftware Development
"Logo making is an art - just done on a computer" - RiotandCarngeISVenom

A new wave has struck Lichess recently. The wave known as Logo-Making.

What is logo-making?

Logo making is an art. It is a way to describe teams, profiles, forums etc. It is basically a picture/background which is then used as a background to write words/names. Generally the background is related to the thing so the viewer knows how the team/person is like.

Why do people logo - make?

People logo make to increase fame, for fun or to make others happy. Others may use their logo as a prize. Making something the customer loves means a lot to the maker.

How do we logo make?

There are different ways - to use Giphy/other websites etc. First, you need to take a background, save it and then upload it to the site you are using. Then, add text and send. This is the way I use.

Is logo-making similar to Memes?

It is similar, but not the same. You need a template to create a meme, while you can use any background you want in Logos. But you need to type in both, so it might be similar.


Some of the logos are(most by me) : Komoki A00P09 Rad Rapid League Beaker's Explosive Lab / Scientists and co. DancingPanda23 X6tence Militia Elite (by Eyvazova_2009)
Some Logo Makers : @Eyvazova_2009 (Best IMHO) Me(I suppose) @Carlsenisback ChessSpieler @EmmaZHK @TallMagicalFlamingo etc.


Logo making is awesome and you should try it!


DrSmall, St33, @QuestionsAnswered, Eyvazova_2009, EmmaZHK, @Morphyms1817 Booklog: Logos and designs by Eyvazova_2009 X6tence Militia Elite