
Easy tips and tricks to improve from 1800+

You heard that correct, IMPROVE your Chess with this blog

I really want to reach 1800, how do I do so??

Good question, thats what this blog is about.


1. Study your games.

Lichess provides free analysis for a reason - improving. If you figure out where you are going wrong, you can improve upon it and up your chess! LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES.

2. Study endgames.

One of the most confusing things about chess is the endgame. If you can learn rook endings and pawn endings with 1 or 2 pieces, you may be able to win both games! Of course, you have to play the middle game good to reach a favourable ending.

3.Take your time

It takes patience and longer games to improve your chess - always do so! 1 tip more is to allow move confirmation in games, if you are playing longer!
"When you see a good move, wait... do not play it... you might find a better one" - Lasker

4. Figure out your play style and learn it.

If you play aggressive, you might wanna see Tal's games. Positional? Bobby Fischer played tons of them!

Sites I would Recommend

Chessable - The site to learn
Chessgames - The site to view master games
Lichess - The site to play!


Played a good game/blundered horribly? Share it here in the forum. The posters here will analyse it and help you improve!
Got your own tips/chess discussion? Share them here.
Can't analyse? This team will help...hopefully!


DrSmall, St33, @QuestionsAnswered, Eyvazova_2009, EmmaZHK, @Morphyms1817 Booklog: Logos and designs by Eyvazova_2009 | X6tence Militia Elite | How to make awesome studies (BLOG)

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