
Credit to Dicebreaker

Personal Tips For New Players

Hi everyone! I may not be more than an intermediate player, but I feel I could provide some tips for new players. You might have already found read tips somewhere.

This article is for beginner players who know all the basic fundamentals and rules.

When you begin to play chess, a lot of questions pop up in your mind. What To Do First? How To Do It? How Long Should I Study? Which Opening Should I Play? Should I Get A Coach? Will I Be A Grandmaster?

Let me tell you exactly how to start.
1. First, look at someone else's game. Try to understand the openings they play and the tactics they use. Try to find moves on your own from different positions during that game.
2. Next, try to play a game. If you are playing online, like on Lichess, play a Rapid or a Classical game for starters. If you are playing offline, then I suggest you play with others you know who share your interest, or play local tournaments.
3. Never be afraid if your opponent is FIDE rated, if they have a higher rating than you, if they are older than you...all that matters is the understanding of the game. Maybe if you thought carefully, and caught their slightest inaccuracy, you would have a chance to win. So focus on the only thing that is important: PLAYING THE GAME.

If you want to practice your tactics, play puzzles from Level 1 and go higher up in the levels as you improve.

Like any other thing we do, chess might look difficult at first. If you lose continuously, then you don't back down. Rejuvenate yourself and try again. Don't get frustrated if you don't see immediate results. Hardly anyone becomes a superstar in the first try. The real thing that matters, is when you get back up.

Thank You